Saturday, November 3, 2012

Bigfoot Discovery Days Past

Straight from the Museum Vaults (OK our YouTube Channel, but there are some great things in the Museum Vaults that we hope to unearth soon) hear Mike Rugg share a local witness sighting from Discovery Day I.  Then from Discovery Day III listen to Bill Munns entire presentation in 5 parts.  And as a Finale enjoy the musical offerings of Kepi Ghoulie and friends at the Bigfoot Art and Music Days I and II.


Mike Rugg at Discovery Day I

Bigfoot Discovery Day III Poster

Bill Munns at Discovery Day III

Bill Munns Part II

Bill Munns Part III

Bill Munns Part IV

Bill Munns Finale

Bigfoot Art and Music Day I

Bigfoot Art and Music Day II

Stay tuned for a post from Bigfoot Discovery Day IV Santa Cruz Sasquatch! 
